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Icon Meaning
✅ Fully compatible
⚠ Partial compatibility
❌ Not compatible
🛠 In progress
❔ Unknown


Icon Meaning
🚀 Supported by 🚀 OpenShock maintainers
✈ Supported by ✈ Community maintainers


Icon Meaning
☁ Supports over-the-air updating
🔒 Supports hardware accelerated cryptography

Fully maintained

These boards are tested before every release by the 🚀 OpenShock maintainers.

Community maintained

These boards are supported by designated ✈ Community maintainers.

We do our best to give these contributors sufficient time to test new firmware during the release candidate phase(s), but we cannot guarantee that they got around to a full test cycle prior to a new release.

Board Variant Labels Maintainer(s)
DFRobot FireBeetle ESP32-E ESP32-E (All) ✅ ☁ ✈ LostQuasar

Not maintained

These boards are untested and not maintained. They might work, but no guarantees.

Compatibility Board Variant Labels
❔ Unknown Knockoff ESP32-S3 "Dorx" R8N2 🔒

Avoid ❌

These boards have been reported to have issues with OpenShock.

Board Variant Reason Date Added Labels
Wemos Lolin S2 Mini N4R2 (All) WiFi & Internet instability 17.11.2024 ☁

Incompatible ❌

These boards are fundamentally incompatible with OpenShock.

Board Reason
PiShock Plus (2021 Q1) Uses incompatible SoC