Offline Remote Setup
What you need
- Fully setup OpenShock Hub
- OpenShock Account
- A Compatible Offline remote with it's ID
Only the first channel on the remote will work. This is because the channel is not configurable on OpenShock's side yet
Offline Remote ID
If you bought an offline remote from a vendor, it might already have been decoded and the Offline Remote ID might be present as a sticker on the remote. You can also decode this ID yourself using a 433 Mhz Receiver module with an ESP32. Checkout the rf-plaground repo
Setup the Offline Remote
- Login to the website
- Connect your hub to a power source and make sure it appears as online in the Hub section.
- Go to the Shockers section.
- Edit the Shocker to use with the Offline Remote
- Open the Context Menu of the Shocker
- Select Edit
- Set the Shocker RfId field to the Offline Remote ID
- Save
Images (click to expand)
- RePair the Shocker Everything should work now, have fun! 🎉