DIY Hardware
pre-built options available
Not interested in building your own OpenShock hub? Head over to the Hardware vendors.
These are the recommendations of the OpenShock maintainers. This list is not exhaustive. For a much more wiki-style information base, head to the Hardware section.
Existing hardware
Existing hardware
If you already own a PiShock or another ESP32, please check the Boards compatibility list.
We recommend the ESP32-S3
chip, specifically the N16R8
variant for its 16 MiB of flash. The Wemos Lolin S3 board satisfies all these criteria.
Requirements for the ESP are: - Needs to be a ESP32 specifically, including -S and -C variants! ESP8266 is NOT supported! - Minimum flash size: 4MB
433 MHz Transmitter
See the Transmitter page for a quick one-stop shop.
See the Shockers page for (yet another) one-stop shop.
Next, head over to Assembly.