Developer & API Docs
Backend Architecture
OpenAPI Documentation
You can find the OpenAPI Documentation here:
Note that there is both a Definition Version 1 and Definition Version 2 file.
Version Definition Files
You might notice that Version 2 does not contain all the endpoints that are in Version 1. That is because version 2 only contains endpoints that actually make a version 1 equivalent obsolete and there for deprecated.
TL;DR; Prefer endpoints in Definition Version 2 over 1
The OpenAPI documentation contains all HTTP endpoints, but does not document the WebSockets and SignalR hubs.
Authentication for applications is done via a API Token which are to be sent as a header with the name/key Open-Shock-Token
You can generate a API Token on the website. New API Token UI
There is a few different WebSocket endpoints. Most of them use json. The Hub (previously named Device) websocket uses flatbuffers binary serialization.
GW = Gateway or LiveControlGateway (e.g.
API = Main API (e.g.
- [GW]/1/ws/live/{deviceId} # Live Control Websocket, json
- [GW]/1/ws/device # Hubs (devices) websocket, flatbuffers
- [API]/1/ws/device # Legacy Hubs (Deprecated, not implemented anymore as of 31.08.2024)
SignalR is a Realtime Messaging Framework developed by Microsoft. The transport way we use is only WebSocket with JSON.
- [API]/1/hubs/user
- [API]/1/hubs/share/link/{id}